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Pathfinder PRO
Pathfinder PRO
May 31, 2021
In General Discussion
Hey there! Anyone have any recommendations for resources/information about bilocation? Particularly, what to expect, techniques for working towards it and how those techniques might be similar to, or differ from, those you would use to AP or AT. I've only recently discovered this term/technique and I am doing a deep dive. Thanks!
Pathfinder PRO
Pathfinder PRO
May 20, 2021
In General Discussion
Hey guys! So, yesterday I tried playing white noise for my Keep for the first time. While doing it, I started to get a lot of scalp tingling and head pressure (which is one of the most common ways my Companions let me know they are around or try to get my attention). The tingling and pressure was more intense than usual, so I tried meditating, with the white noise on, to see if they were trying to convey something. While meditating, I started to feel disconnected from my body, while at the same time feeling heavy. I didn't have a sensation of rising, or seeing my body. I felt inside of it, but also disconnected from it (disassociated?) and as if I could no longer control it. I remember *understsnding* that I could no longer move my finger or lift my arm. It just felt like I was in my body, but it was no longer mine. Also, I could see the room clearly, even though my eyes were closed. I was also very aware that I was awake and not dreaming. When I felt finished, I tried to do some grounding bit, despite this, I was hit with a sudden wave of fatigue that I couldn't shake. I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I ended up sleeping for two hours. So, my question is...what was that, if anything? Just a weird meditation session? The start of astral projection? It doesn't feel like any accounts of AP I have read so far. Thanks for any input!
Pathfinder PRO
Pathfinder PRO
May 17, 2021
In Spirit Keeping
One of my favorite things to do that I, unfortunately, don't do often enough is to ask my Companions to manifest through incense smoke. I ask them if any of them would like to say hello, tell them "I'm going to count to three and then snap a photo! Ready? 1..2..3.." I've gotten some really amazing manifestations this way. The first time it happened, I had just brought my Cwn Annwn companion home, and got several clear images of a dog face in the smoke. This time, one of my Kitsune decided to make themselves known. Can you guys spot him in all his nine-tailed glory?
Manifestations in Incense Smoke content media
Pathfinder PRO
Pathfinder PRO
Apr 25, 2021
In Spirit Keeping
So, I've hit a bit of a plateau and I am looking for inspiration! What are some things you have done, studied, or tried that you've felt have made you a better Keeper or elevated your spirit keeping? Nothing is too small! I know these things take time, but I hate the feeling of being stuck. Just looking for a little direction on what to look into or new things to try. Thanks!
Pathfinder PRO
Pathfinder PRO
Apr 02, 2021
In General Discussion
I am curious to learn how people who have a hard time focusing (for example, people with ADHD, GAD, OCD, etc) approach meditation and, specifically, astral travel. I find the "quiet your mind" aspect that is toted in most guided meditations I have come across to be really difficult. Visualization also, while almost at a superpower-level when I was a kid, has become very difficult for me as well. As far as Astral travel -- I have yet to achieve anything close (to my knowledge). The rope and stairs technique hasn't really helped. I'm continuing to practice, of course, and I understand that these skills take time to develop, but I am wondering if anyone here has encountered the same issues and might have some tips or a different approach that they would be willing to share. Thanks!
Pathfinder PRO
Pathfinder PRO
Mar 17, 2021
In Spirit Keeping
You know those times when you're lying in bed, exhausted but unable to sleep, and a really random question suddenly pops into your head? Here goes: We've all heard that "the Veil is thinnest around Halloween," making it easier to communicate with spirits. there a time when the veil is..thickest? Making it more difficult to communicate with spirits and our companions? Experienced spirit workers: Do you find that there is a time of year/day/moon phase/etc. that impacts your ability to communicate and work with your companions? Are there certain environmental factors that you have found can help or hinder your ability to connect? (For example: do you find it easier to communicate during a new moon? With DA spirits at night? Death-aligned spirits during Winter?) Thanks for humoring my silly beginner question.
Pathfinder PRO
Pathfinder PRO
Mar 15, 2021
In Spirit Keeping
Hey guys, So this might be a bit of a text wall/rant/frustrated ramble. I apologize in advance. There's a TL:DR down at the bottom that gets to my questions! So, I had my first encounter with (what I believe to be) a trickster spirit recently. I was doing a tarot reading, trying to communicate with a member of my Keep, and the reading was just... all bad. I'd go so far as to say it was outright cruel. Messages like they are unhappy, I'm a bad keeper, there's no way to mend the relationship, I should give up, etc. Now, my spirit is not above some tough love, but he has never been anything but sweet and patient with me, so I am 100% sure it wasn't him. However, during the reading I *felt* his usual physical manifestations (full-body tingling is usually his signature). I am not sure if whatever I was talking to was replicating his energy to fool me, or if that was my spirit trying to warn me that it wasn't him. Like a "Hey, that's not me. THIS is me." I immediately shut down the communication once I realized what was going on, and firmly demanded that the spirit leave. I also asked my Duojna and Cwn Annwn to kindly (or not so kindly, if necessary) see the interloper out. However, even though I know I wasn't talking to my spirit, the reading has left me in a slump every since. I haven't wanted to do any form of divination after that, and I have been hesitant to try communicating with my keep. It's not that I am afraid of the Trickster spirit, but it did trigger a depressive episode that I haven't been able to shake. Right after it I had a reading done for my spirit, just to make sure everything really was ok, and the conjurer/reader told me that my spirit was fine, but he has been trying to warn me about something or someone, and that there is something suppressing him that is making it hard for him to communicate with me. I am not sure if the "something" is an outside force or my own block/depression. Lately I have been extremely irritable, depressed and low energy. I'm not sure how to find out what is going on. Normally I would do a reading on it, but.. I'm careful to cleanse my space and tools before *and* after a reading, and to close my space to outsiders when I am communicating with my keep. I have quite a few highly protective spirits in my keep who should be keeping unbounds out and tarot is something I have done for years, so I am comfortable that I wasn't reading the cards wrong. The whole situation has made me realize that I am really lacking in my knowledge of banishing practices as well as discernment, and I would really like to get better at those but I am not sure how -- especially when it comes to discernment. That is coming up a lot for me I feel like that is a huge area where I need work. For banishing, I know people love the LBRP, but I don't feel 100% comfortable using it since it calls upon Archangels and I don't follow an Abrahamic religion. TL:DR - Do any of you have tips for improving your discernment for a raw beginner who isn't yet skilled at energy or spirit work? And any leads on banishment rituals that aren't based on Abrahamic religion or Wicca, for when you need to get something really nasty out of your space and a quick smoke cleansing isn't cutting it? Thanks guys!


Pathfinder PRO
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